The Turtle is an air quality monitor that measures temperature, humidity, and hazardous particulate matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10), powered by solar energy, so you can save energy and deploy it wherever you like, even if it’s far from power sockets.
Technical specs
Air temperature: from -20ºC to 70ºC
Air humidity: 0-100%
Measurements: PM 2.5 and PM 10 (0-999μg /m3)
GPS: NMEA standard
Power Supply:
– Solar power supply – 6,2W – 12 volts DC output (170x230mm)
– Backup battery sealed lead acid – 12V-12Ah
– Optional 110/220 volts alternating current battery charger
Data security: Data is sent directly from the device to PlanetWatch with no third-party servers Involved. All data is encrypted.